Written Scheme of Examination
Users or owners of a compressed air system shall not allow it to be operated unless it complies with Pressure Systems Safety Regulations (PSSR). The Written Scheme of Examination must include pressure vessels, pipe lines and all protective devices. The scope of the Written Scheme of Examination is defined by Competent Person who must have Incorporated Engineer Status with appropriate indemnity insurance.
When we refer to ‘pipe work’, this includes: Pipes, valves, pumps, compressors, hoses, bellows, other pressure containing components to be included if:
1). Mechanical integrity is liable to be significantly reduced by corrosion, erosion, fatigue & other factors.
2). Failure resulting in the sudden release of stored energy would give rise to danger.
The HSE defines the air system, out lines what where when components in the air system have to be examined.
The scheme must be regularly reviewed and modified as appropriate.
Arrange For Your Written Scheme of Examination With Air Energy Management
Air Energy Management are qualified to provide and certify Written Schemes of Examination. We follow the recommendations for Written Schemes of Examination as outlined by the British Compressed Air Society. Schemes are underwritten by an Incorporated Engineer holding specific insurance for this purpose.

What Is The Process Of A Written Scheme Of Examination?
When it comes to our written scheme of examination, there are various steps and a process to follow in order to pass. Below, you’ll see the exact outlined steps that our team will set out for you:
Record Compressed Air System Device – One of the first steps you’ll take is the task to record all compressed air system devices. There will be various items recorded in the WSE which include ball valves, safety valves and various other items you’ll have to identify.
Identify Tag Item & Numbers – The next stage of the process will be to identify tag items & numbers. Once recorded, this will help the items to be easily identified for future references.
Compose the Written Scheme of Examination Document – The next stage of the process is to write out the WSE document. Here, this will include listing each and every item including a schematic layout of the compressor system. The examination may also involve re-inspection of each product and item.
Complete Safety Inspection – Lastly, the final stage of the process will be undertaking an operational and safety inspection for all items and numbers (listed above). Once this is completed, the written scheme of examination will be complete and passed, if everything goes according to plan.

A Written Scheme Of Examination Is A LEGAL Requirement
Every compressed air system has this legal requirement, so please arrange for yours today.
Call Us Today On 01942 613710 Or Submit Your Enquiry Online
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Sales Office: 01942 703854
Design Office: 01942 613710
Air Energy Management
Unit 35 Cinnamon Brow Industrial Estate
Makerfield Way